
Hi, I’m Usman Khan.


I enjoy reading books on a variety of topics, and I would like to share my hobby and passion with others.

Since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by the topics we are advised not to discuss, whether they be politics, religion, society, or anything controversial, for that matter.  Yet I choose to explore and discuss them despite society’s best advice.


Many things fascinate me, but I have often wondered: what makes some societies more successful than others?  Such a question is highly vague and loaded to the point where it is unhelpful.  That a society is more successful at something than another could relate to anything: its ability to grow economically; to produce goods and services; to feed, clothe and house its citizens; its ability to wage war; to create works of art, music and literature; to foster a climate of discovery and invention for new theorems, gadgets and best practices for their procedures; to be held in high esteem, and so much more.


Many in this day and age would fear asking such questions, believing that all societies are equal.  It may seem morally reprehensible to some to even think about it privately.  Others would even argue that it’s impossible to determine an index, formula or set of criteria to compare societies, so why bother trying?  But I believe attempting to answer, or at least explore these questions, is worth our time effort because the insights we gain can be used to improve our well-being now and in the future.


As a way of learning more about the world and how we can make societies better, my intention as a layperson is to review the books of experts in various disciplines to hopefully find answers to important societal questions and issues, or at least glean essential insights — probably more of the latter, to be completely honest.


Who am I to do such a thing?  I have an honours bachelor’s degree with a major in political science (co-op) and minor in public administration from the University of Ottawa where I graduated magna cum laude.  I hope to utilize the skills and knowledge I gained from my degree to create entertaining content for anyone interested in the same topics as myself.  That said, I admit that my formal education isn’t impressive since the social sciences aren’t as demanding compared to STEM programs. Additionally, it’s difficult for me to effectively criticize the arguments and supporting evidence of most authors since I am not an expert in anything.


I do not claim to have the answers for why some societies are better than others.  Instead, I am genuinely trying to find the answers, like any curious student.  I, like everyone else, have biases.  And I certainly do not hold a monopoly on truth or reason.  Much of the content on this website may well turn out to be incorrect or outdated.


Even if I cannot answer the central question in my posts, I certainly hope you find the lessons learned entertaining and valuable nonetheless.  Some articles and ‘reviews’ may not even relate to the central question.  I will do my best to publish something at least every two weeks.


Thank you for reading.


Please note:

  • This site is purely for entertainment purposes

  • I do not review or discuss self-published books

  • The opinions expressed on this site are entirely my own

  • I do not offer policy advice or recommendations


P.S. If somehow I end up making money from this blog, I promise to donate five percent of the monthly profits to Chron’s and Colitis Canada.  Why this organization?  I have suffered from ulcerative colitis for several years now.  It’s a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that is painful, humiliating and all-around awful; I would never wish upon my worst enemy.  Sadly, I will have to contend with this condition and endure its consequences for the rest of my life as there is not yet any known cure.  Canada has one of the highest – if not the highest – rates of IBD globally, and I would like to be part of the solution to eradicate this illness by spreading awareness and funding those developing cures.  If you or a loved one suffers from IBD, give me a shout and let’s talk about ideas and tips for managing these awful conditions.  Thank you.